8059681425 | 8660739487 | 984540329 | shubhamkarotimaitreyigurukula@gmail.com

Shubham Karoti Maitreyi Gurukula

Swastha Susamskruta Samajada Nirmana


Sri Aurobindo has said that “Every child is a Soul in evolution”.
Swami Vivekananda has said that “Every soul is potentially Divine”.

An endeavour in line with the right principle and aligned with Nature’s trend will always be on the right track of success. In this context and background, the guidelines incorporated in the Educational application are as follows.


The interpretation of this in its working means that since nothing can be taught the role of a teacher has to be like a helper to assist, suggest, train, show, perform and so on, so as to engage the student look and learn oneself, to think, understand, do, experience and to search in to oneself and realize from the storehouse of knowledge potential which is already there.


“Yatra Naryastu Poojyante Ramante Tatra Devataha”, Where Women are Honored, Divinity Blossoms There

“Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha”, Righteousness and Ethics

“Desha Seveye Isha Seve”, Service for Nation Building

“Culture is the lifeline of a nation”

“Existence as Bharat is our Existence”

Shubham Karoti Maitreyi Gurukul
No. 52/1, Dodda Alada Mara Road, Kengeri Hobli,

Bengaluru 560 074, Karnataka, India

Office Mobile No 8059681425 ( Ms Rajeahwari )

Principal: Sri Mrutyunjaya Shastri : Mobile No. 8660739487

Managing Trustee: Sri Pramod R Kamat: Mobile No: 9845403290

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