8059681425 | 8660739487 | 984540329 | shubhamkarotimaitreyigurukula@gmail.com

Shubham Karoti Maitreyi Gurukula

Swastha Susamskruta Samajada Nirmana

  Gurukula Education

The word Gurukula recalls our ancient traditional system of imparting Education in India. In this system, the knowledge was passed by the Guru to the disciples in the Ashram life while living, learning and leading life together.

Eventually, as time rolled by, it has in its own course carved the way to the establishment of well-known Universities of its time named Nalanda and Takshashila. It even attracted students from different parts of the world. The system contributed immense benefits to society by providing persons with their total personality development as an evolved Human Being. It is this very aspect which enabled to blossom and cherish a great Indian Culture and Civilization which could successfully catapult our Country “Bharat” to the throne of “Jagad Guru “.


How far is it fair to discriminate anyone who represent a country and its inhabitants who have inherited a great Culture, Customs, Traditions, Heritage, its Ethos, Values, Virtues and having adopted them could develop and contribute to the world many useful benefits to the Mankind in various areas like art, culture and literature also in science, philosophy and Spirituality all unparallel in its own class, be ignored and disrespected ?

Should it not be our role and responsibility to put our efforts and regain the lost glory and prestige of our Motherland “BHARAT “ by reviving and imbibing the strength and spirit drawing them out from our scriptures and literature, heritage and Ethos which are still vibrant and resourceful in spite of the passage of millenniums?


Shubham Karoti Maitreyi Gurukul
No. 52/1, Dodda Alada Mara Road, Kengeri Hobli,

Bengaluru 560 074, Karnataka, India

Office Mobile No 8059681425 ( Ms Rajeahwari )

Principal: Sri Mrutyunjaya Shastri : Mobile No. 8660739487

Managing Trustee: Sri Pramod R Kamat: Mobile No: 9845403290

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