
Illusion and Diffusion

The present-day education has in its ambit prestige and prospect to provide a hefty salary, name and fame to a person. At the same time, it also demands hefty fees and expenses. This can be experienced while opting the courses like medical, engineering, computer fields and many other modern emerging fields and courses. In the end, a person may complete the course in per individual capacity and could also reap the benefits. However, the main point is does the efforts, money and time put forth are worthy enough for the lasting benefits, of peace of mind, satisfaction, and bereft from anxiety is a matter to think over. The answer in most cases will be negative or with material benefits. From this point of view sometimes “Facts” can be an “illusion". Although this kind of outcome is known to society and the present young generations, the majority of people run behind this "illusion" as it is more attractive when compared to the "Diffusion".

Illusion and Diffusion

In general, knowledge represents facts. Sometimes knowledge can be dubious and can even mislead. This smiley can be referred to the present day of education.

The present-day education has in its ambit prestige and prospect to provide a hefty salary, name and fame to a person. At the same time, it also demands hefty fees and expenses. This can be experienced while opting the courses like medical, engineering, computer fields and many other modern emerging fields and courses. In the end, a person may complete the course in per individual capacity and could also reap the benefits. However, the main point is does the efforts, money and time put forth are worthy enough for the lasting benefits, of peace of mind, satisfaction, and bereft from anxiety is a matter to think over. The answer in most cases will be negative or with material benefits. From this point of view sometimes “Facts” can be an “illusion". Although this kind of outcome is known to society and the present young generations, the majority of people run behind this "illusion" as it is more attractive when compared to the "Diffusion".

The difference between Illusion and Diffusion is that in the case of illusion, the focus of illumination is pointed to one aspect. This makes that aspect brighter, and attractive and hides the negative aspects of its reality.

The reference for this is today’s education pattern. In today’s education pattern, the focus is mainly on the development of the intellectual part of the being. It ignores the other valuable faculties such as “Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual aspects of a person's personality. Hence the final benefits cannot be up to the mark.

On the other hand the positive aspects as against the "illusion "can be found in "Diffusion". The essential aspect of diffusion lies in the distribution without discrimination.

As an analogy, the diffusion aspect can be compared to the Gurukul kind of Education.

The Gurukul kind of education with low financial costs, aims at the development of intellectual parts together with the other faculties of mental, emotional, physical and Spiritual parts with a holistic approach. In turn, this will provide a total Personality development of the person and can also provide far-reaching and lasting benefits of financial success, social status, personal happiness and also satisfaction resulting in all to the achievement of "Peace "which is the most important aspect in Life. Thus the Gurukula kind of Education can provide cumulative and lasting benefits. On top of all the best benefit is that Gurukula kind of Education is affordable and within the reach of a common person.

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No. 52/1, Dodda Alada Mara Road, Kengeri Hobli,

Bengaluru 560 074, Karnataka, India

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Principal: Sri Mrutyunjaya Shastri : Mobile No. 8660739487

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